Hospital and physician registration will open in April


Hospital and physician registration will open in April II

Why Participate?

Many orthopaedic surgeons and hospitals routinely give back to the community through their charitable work and outreach efforts. These local programs impact the lives of patients in a powerful and meaningful way.

So, why participate in a national program, like Operation Walk USA?

Until recently, recognizing the countless charitable acts—in particular, the free surgeries—performed by orthopaedic surgeons annually was a hit-or-miss affair. Television or newspaper reporters will occasionally build a story on one special case in the community. But all too often, this kind of “good news” was overshadowed by reports of increasing healthcare costs, waste in the healthcare system, or medical errors.

Our strength is in numbers. Several hundred physicians conducting pro bono surgeries simultaneously across the United States create a national story that is both inspiring and compelling.

In summary, Operation Walk USA:

  • Underscores the value of orthopaedics in improving the lives of patients.

  • Highlights the compassionate, caring nature of the subspecialty—and of the participating orthopaedists.

  • Promotes the hospitals’ mission of healing.

  • And most importantly, it gives hope for a better, more productive, pain-free life to hundreds of underserved patients.

  • Participating in Operation Walk USA is an uplifting experience for everyone involved.

Highlight your participation on LinkedIn and tag us in your posts.

There is no greater sense of fulfillment than restoring mobility and function in a person previously debilitated by arthritis. Thank you for the opportunity to give back to our community through joint replacement.
— Amanda D. Marshall, MD, Operation Walk USA Participant